Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day One Continued

The weather was so nice, we headed for the beach. There was a little walking trail that led us to the great little beach with massive rocks to explore, large pieces of drift wood to build forts, and water as far as the eye could see. 

My children. It doesn't matter if the water feels like it just melted off a glacier, they will still play in it. 

There were actually some good waves forming out there. We saw a guy with his paddle board catching the surf, having a great time too. 

The sand was so warm. It was a nice contrast from the frigid water. Ocean sand makes great castles.   

Rowan found a warm puddle of ocean water to play in. 

Weston the mighty castle maker.

James helped Alli dig a deep hole. He then convinced her to get in it. Hehhee, then he buried her once she hopped in. Turkey daddy

I wanted to bury one of my kids. Tim volunteered. He said he felt like he was receiving a spa treatment the sands warmth felt so good.

Weston the Merman. 

There were some moments I wasn't able to capture that I wish I could have. Like when James swooped me up and ran me into the waves.  I was fully dressed, screaming, begging him not to throw me in. It's in those unforgettable moments, as my kids come running towards the water to join us in our play, that I remind myself how awesome life is. Thankful my family is health, happy, and overflowing with joy. 

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